Oh hello Popcorn Macarons! Recipe by the very talented Neha

We just love macarons and any chance I have I try to make them (read: eat them).  

Practice makes perfect right?

Salted Caramel ones topped with Salted Caramel popcorn. 


Salted Caramel Filling: 
For the filling I made a simple salted caramel sauce with some  brandy cream.
175g salted butter
150g golden caster sugar
150ml  cream- I used brandy cream and Salted Caramel Popcorn


Cut 25g of the butter into small pieces.

Heat the sugar in a thick-based pan over a medium heat until it is all melted and turns to a dark caramel colour. Stir occasionally to ensure the sugar cooks evenly.

Take the pan off the heat and stir in the pieces of butter.

In a separate pan, heat up the cream (just so it is hot and not boiling).Put the caramel back on medium heat and gradually add the hot cream. Be careful because this may splatter.  
Allow this mixture to bubble for a few minutes.

Pour the mixture into a bowl and leave to cool to room temperature.

Whisk the remaining butter (150g) till pale and fluffy, then gradually whisk into the cooled salted caramel.

Don’t worry if the mixture has little caramel pieces. It adds to the texture.

Fill the macarons with caramel then decorate them with whatever colour you like. 
We went  for the gold look.

To paint macarons just take some gel food colouring and mix it with a bit of clear alcohol like Vodka. 

Now for the most important bit...Top with salted caramel popcorn.  To stick the popcorn on the macaron dip it in the left over sauce and gently place on top.

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