This insanely delicious Salted Caramel Popcorn Cake recipe was created by the very talented Corinne ! Thank you Corinne! Original recipe can be found here.

This is a Christmas Recipe you don't want to miss... 

Salted Caramel Popcorn Cake


The cake The frosting The final touches
249g flour
265g caster sugar
3 tsp baking powder
125g unsalted butter (softened)
375ml milk
100ml vegetable oil
2 tbsp greek yogurt
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 large eggs
3 cups popcorn
1 cup Carnation caramel
4 eggs
230g of caster sugar
195g of softened butter
3 tbsp of Carnation caramel
Pinch of salt
Vanilla extract
Salted Carmel Popcorn

Salted Caramel Popcorn Cake

The cake
1. Pre-heat your over to 180°C (or 160°C for fan-forced oven).
2. In a bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, caster sugar and salt. Then, add the 125g of softened butter and mix until it resembles a fine sand like texture.
3. Add the milk, oil, Greek yogurt, eggs and vanilla extract into the bowl with the dry ingredients and mix until completely incorporated. Crush three cups of popcorn in a blender then add it to the mixture. Then, add the Carnation caramel as well and whisk until fully incorporated.
4. Fill two 20cm diameter cake tins and put in the oven for 45 minutes. Once cooked, remove tins from the oven and let cool on a cooling rack. Let cool completely before using.

The frosting
5. Make a swiss meringue for the frosting. Add water in a pot and heat until shimmer. In a bowl, put 4 egg whites and 230g of sugar. Then, place the bowl on top of the pot, creating a seal over the pot. It is very important that the bowl does not touch the water.
6. Whisk constantly until all the sugar is dissolved. Then, remove from the stove and beat on medium-high speed until stiff glossy peaks form. Make sure the bowl is at room temperature for the next step. Indeed, a hot bowl might cause the butter to melt.
7. Cut 195g of soften butter in small pieces. Add little by little to make sure it completely incorporates to the meringue and beat at medium speed. Once all butter is in, add the vanilla extract and 3 spoons of Carnation caramel. Beat until fully incorporated.
8. Apply frosting between the two cakes, on top of the whole cake and on the sides a first time to give it a naked aspect and fill any whole in the cake. Then place in the fridge and let cool for two hours.
9. Remove the cake from the fridge and use frosting leftover for a second coat. Apply enough to cover the first coat and cover cake entirely. Put in the fridge to cool for another two hours, or overnight.

The final touches
10. Remove the cake from the fridge. Then, decorate with our Salted Caramel Popcorn to your tastes. On top, on the side, at the bottom. Up to you. You can also add some caramel sauce for a drip effect.
11. Place in the fridge for 20 minutes just for precaution. Remove from the fridge. Cut into slices and enjoy!

And… tadaaaa!

Salted Caramel Gourmet Popcorn Cake Recipe

Salted Caramel Popcorn Cake Recipe

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