Honeycomb Also known as…


Cinder toffee

Sponge candy

Hokey Pokey

The crunchy stuff inside a Cadbury’s Crunchie?

But more importantly… Anyone know why it’s called honeycomb when there’s no honey in it?

Popcopcorn Honeycomb tastes delicious and is super quick and easy to make!


Makes | 1 tray of honeycomb

Preparation time | 20 minutes

Setting time | 2 hours



1 Shed load of Rich chocolate popcorn

200g caster sugar

5 tbsp golden syrup

3 tsp bicarbonate of soda

Milk chocolate for drizzling



Line a baking tin with parchment paper and scatter half the contents of the Rich chocolate popcorn Shed. 

Mix the sugar and golden syrup on a low heat in a saucepan.

Once these are fully incorporated together turn up the heat and let the mixture simmer until it turns to a copper colour. If you have a candy thermometer then you would let it simmer until it reaches 300 degrees. HOT!

Take the mixture off the heat and add the bicarbonate of soda and mix vigorously. 

Pour mixture into the tray and scatter the other half of rich chocolate popcorn on top.

Leave to harden for 2 hours. 

Once hardened melt the milk chocolate in glass bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. 

Once melted either drizzle the chocolate on top of the popcorn honeycomb or dip the honeycomb into the chocolate.

Leave the chocolate to cool and harden.

Once the chocolate has cooled and hardened then smash it up and enjoy!

Read here about how to make gourmet popcorn.

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